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Signs Your Man is Wild About You

How to Know If He Loves You! Signs Your Man is Wild About You

How to know if he loves you is one question most women have wondered about at some point. When you've fallen hard for a guy and he has yet to tell you he feels the same way, you're left trying to decipher whether or not he's as taken with you as you are with him. You could obviously ask him but that only really serves to put him on the spot. You don't want to do that. Instead, it's best to learn to read what's going on in his heart based on his actions.

Here are 4 clear signs that your man is in love with you:

He stares at you. Men in love are focused on one thing and that's the woman they desire. If you notice your guy is always staring longingly at you, he's crazy for you. Next time you two are in a crowded restaurant or at a party with lots of people present, pay special attention to whether or not he's staring only at you. If he is, the man is definitely yours.

You've met all the important people in his life. Unlike us, men are a bit more reserved when it comes to introducing the women they date to their close friends and family. If you've met and regularly spend time with the other people he cares for, he's feeling very close to you.

He loves talking about you. Does your guy go on and on endlessly about himself when you two are having a conversation? If he does, that's not a promising sign of where his heart is. When a man has fallen in love he only wants to talk about his woman. He loves learning new and interesting information about her.

He hates saying goodbye. Whether you two are talking on the phone or saying goodnight at the end of your date, your guy hates it. He prolongs it as long as possible and will tell you over and over again that he doesn't want to say goodbye. If this sounds like your man, he's hooked on you.

If you feel that you're the number one priority in his life that means you hold a very special place in his heart. Just remember to look at his actions through objective eyes. You want to see his actions for what they are and if you do recognize the signs of a man in love, rest assured that his heart already belongs completely and solely to you.

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